My Recipe Binder

Growing up I always loved watching the Food Network, watching my dad and other family members cook and cooking myself. I have decided to create my own Recipe Binder, and you would think that after this many years I would already have one, but really all I have is a folder with my recipes stacked in it, in no order at all. I saw a Pinterest post (the site, unfortunately, has been removed) and it made me think that I should take the time to make my own recipe binder! A recipe Binder is a great way to keep all of your recipes organized and in a place you can always look when you need them. So, here is my Recipe Binder Tutorial!


1. A 1-2 inch binder (depends on how much you plan to put in it) with slots in the front, back and sides
2. Dividers, I like the kind you write on (the number depends on how many categories you want)
3. Scrapbook paper, or construction paper
4. Glue or Tape
5. Plastic Sheets (the ones you put paper in)
6. Computer/Printer or Sharpie Markers
7. Of

Step 1: Design the Outside of Your Binder

This step is where you want o be creative, you want your binder to be something fun that makes you want to cook! Now of course mine is a collage of my favorite Lilly patterns! I took construction paper (you want this to match with collage pattern) and cut it to fit inside the front, back, and side of the binder.

I used PowerPoint (I find this easier to move pictures around) to create a collage of all of the Lilly prints that I like. I simply googled Lilly wallpaper and then copied and pasted them onto the PowerPoint, and printed out two copies, one for the front and one for the back.

I typed up Recipe Binder simply in Word Processor and used a creative font as well as a color that matches the construction paper as well as the collage. You want to make sure the font is big enough so that it is visible on the binder, I like to center my words, so that is what I did. Print this out and cut it into a square to fit in the center of your collage, glue it on (or tape).

Make a smaller label for the side so that you are able to see what the binder is if it is leaning against something.

Now you have completed the outside of your binder!

Step 2: Create Dividers

I choose to use store bought dividers that you can write on.

The categories I made are:

1. Breakfast
2. Soups/Salads
3. Poultry/Meat
4. Sides
5. Vegetables
6. Crock-Pot
7. Deserts
8. Other

You don't have to use these exact categories, you can use whichever ones you want! After you have made your dividers place them in your binder.

Step 3: Arranging Your Recipes

This step is pretty easy, all you need to do is place each of your recipes that you have printed from different websites, or written down in a plastic sheet protector. This will keep your recipes clean while you are cooking and keep the paper from taring. Once you have done this, arrange each of your recipes according to the dividers.

There you have it, a simple recipe binder that will last you for ages! I hope you enjoy!
