2012 Recap & 2013 Resolutions

So, I know this is a few days late but I have been trying to think extra hard on my recap of 2012, and on my New Year's Resolutions! Going into my second semester in college is a big deal, I was not expecting my first semester to go by so quickly and now I am a week away from starting my second semester, crazy huh? Where did the year go?

2012 Recap

2012 has brought a lot of changes to my life, a lot of good, and a lot of not so good (I don't want to say bad, because it could always be worse). 2012 brought my high school graduation (I never thought I would see that day), it took me on an amazing trip to the Bahamas with my boyfriend and his amazing family! 2012 brought the loss of my best friend's mother, but it also brought me the strength to realize that things could always be worse. In 2012 I moved into my dorm room, (another day I never thought I would see) and 2012 brought me one of the best friends and roommate I could ever ask for. 2012 brought 3 years with the most amazing man, and I honestly would not make it some days without him. With 2012 came a life changing opportunity, a decision I made and will never look back. 2012 brought me Kappa Delta, 2012 brought me sisters that I never knew existed and an entire new family, that I know will always be there. These women have done more for me this semester that I could have ever imagined. I honestly feel I was brought to Kappa Delta so that they could give me strength and the happiness I had been longing for.

Looking back at my year all of the minor bumps and bruises do not compare to the experiences I have had in the last few months, 2012 is a year that I will never forget, I found myself again and I am honestly happier than I ever thought I could be.

2013 Resolutions

With 2013 beginning I have come up with some typical, and some not so typical resolutions. I have chosen to list 6 because I feel like I want to make sure they are all things that I can focus on, if I have to many, some might get ignored...so here they are! 

1. Enjoy life more, don't let the little things bring me down, you only live once, right?

2. Craft more, this one will be easy...Brother PE500 (thank you boyfriend)!

3. Eat healthier/exercise more, this can be hard to do on a college diet/budget but I will make this one work!

4. Spend money wiser...self explanatory (to much Lilly...)!

5. work on my relationships with people; Family, friends, boyfriend.

6. "Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest" live Kappa Delta and AOT everyday. 

I think I have picked 6 resolutions that will be challenging for me, but at the same time, I know they will make me a stronger person. I know I will learn from my mistakes and do better. After all, isn't that what resolutions are for, to make you a better person? 

Happy New Year!!!!
