New Years Resolutions 2016

Wow, I can't believe that I haven't posted a blog in goodness knows how long! Life, work, school and so much more catch up with you and you start to loose track of the things that you love doing! I can't believe that its time for another New Year's post. This year, I have decided to keep it short, and sweet with a few pictures here and there! 

2015 has been filled with so many open doors, closed doors, and just changes in general. In August 2015 I not only graduated from college, but I also accepted my first "big-girl job" teaching 7th grade Social Studies (I'm crazy, I know). The decision to graduate over the summer was a hard one, but also one that I put a lot of though into. I was very nervous, but excited at the same time. I interviewed at many schools, in my hometown, as well as other parts of North Carolina. I just happened to interview for the position I accepted on my birthday, and was offered the position 2 or so days later, and then had to be in the classroom for teacher workdays about 3 days after that! It all happened so fast but I have loved every minute of it. Hopefully, there will be some more classroom posts and tips to come in the future! 

With the decision to accept this position, I also moved to a new town, by myself, and got my first apartment! This was all very exciting, but there are some nights when I will admit, I do get a little scared! Surprisingly, I don't have any pictures of my apartment to share, everything is still kind of a mess from moving (I know, its been a while) and with Christmas it kind of got worse! After these amazing firsts I had one other huge thing happen this year....I GOT ENGAGED!! 

This was very unexpected for that day, Cody and I had been talking about it for a few months, and we both knew that it was what we wanted, but I didn't think it would happen before Christmas. We planned a trip to Old Salem, NC where we were going to walk around and explore the colonial period Moravian lifestyle and church that is on the property I had not been since I was in elementary school so I was very excited to visit. As we were walking from the visitor's center to the first museum, we went through a beautiful covered bridge. Cody grabbed my arm, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was so ecstatic, and of course I said yes! We spent the rest of the day taking gorgeous pictures on the property, even in the rain they turned out amazing. My biological sister and one of my sorority sisters was there to take photos for us and I am so happy she was because they are great. I added a select few! (There will defiantly be a post about this when we return to take pictures when it's not raining) 

Now, these are just some of the large events from the year. This year Cody and I were blessed with another nephew, we managed to make it through the holiday season, a not so long-distance relationship (which will continue until May). My sister began attending my Alma mater, UNC Charlotte and also joined her legacy sorority, Kappa Delta. I was able to be there for her Bid Day and her Initiation, she was pinned with our Aunt Julie's pin and I can now say AOT to her and she knows what it means! Cody and I are going to spend the next 18 months or so planning our wedding, getting ready for Cody to graduate and move and I am sure many other things. 

As always I have come up with several resolutions that I am going to attempt to keep, like most people I will probably forget to look back on these and stick to them, but I am going to try my darnedest! The first is my large resolution, the last two are smaller ones that I will focus on, but if I forget it won't be the end of the world! 

1. Reestablish my relationship with God. I have struggles for many years to focus on this area of my life, but I am determined to become more comfortable in and with my faith. I have done a lot of research and have decided to use the #herbinderproject monthly devotionals to help me do this. I have put together a Bible Binder (I will share in a post, soon) that I plan to use to help me focus on this. 

2. Work to become healthier, and more comfortable with myself. I have struggled with this over the more recent years but I am determined this year (especially with a wedding in the future) to become a healthier version of myself. I have decided (after much research) to begin the 21 Day Fix plan with a focus on a low-carb diet. I plan to share some of my recipes, and meal plans that I have put together from various places to help focus on this goal. 

3. Lastly, I would like to focus on my relationships in my life, with my family, co-workers, of course Cody (we have started a couples devotion focused on the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, we are very excited for this), and others that I encounter. I think part of bing happy overall is being content and enjoying those around you and those in your life.

Well there it is,  wrapping up 2015 and heading into 2016.
Happy New Year everyone, may your year bring you countless blessings and joy! 

XOXO, Madison 
