2014 Recap & 2015 Resolutions

This has become kind of a tradition since I have began my blog, a little over two years ago. I cannot believe how quickly time has gone by and that this is the third year I am making this post! I know this is late, but as always it takes some time to get these thoughts together! 

2014 Recap

In 2014 I spent a lot of time telling myself that everything happens for a reason, and then, even more time waiting on that reason. I began to loose trust in myself, in God, and in my friends and family. I was going through a rough patch towards the middle of the spring semester and wasn't quite sure where I was going with my life anymore. I made a lot of decisions that changed my life, helped me grow up and helped me to get everything back together. The time spent waiting on that reason for everything lessened and I began to feel whole again. 2014 brought somebody into my life who I was not expecting, somebody who I was not ready for, or thought I wasn't ready for. Turns out, I was more than ready. This person, and his family has taught me to trust in God again, to laugh at the little things, and have given me the reason i was looking for. I truly could not be happier that Cody and his family have come into my life and I am so grateful everyday for their support.

2014 allowed me, with the help of my sisters to plan the most successful recruitment that Eta Psi has seen since our colonization in 2011. I was able to lay the foundation for something that I know will continue to grow and be successful in the upcoming years. While it was hard to pass this work on, I know the newly elected VPM will do an amazing job and be able to fill my shoes quite well. 
2014 brought my moms engagement to an amazing man who I will be glad to call step-dad on May 16th 2015. Of course, I am planning the wedding, so look for more posts to come on this one, maybe a future wedding and event planner is being born here! 

Much more happened in 2014, a crazy trip to Panama City, FL for spring break, I spent the summer as an Orientation Counselor which was hands down the most amazing experience of my college career. I worked with about 3,500 incoming students helping them get to know UNC Charlotte, register for classes, talk with their parents about their fears and worries. I can't count on two hands, and feet how beneficial this experience was and how much I will miss it this summer. 2014 brought a group of men in to my life who I can't imagine having spent this year without, it also brought me new sisters after and amazing recruitment, it brought the engagement of my best friend to the love of her life and I couldn't be happier for them! Most importantly It brought me more happiness than I thought was possible when the year began in January. Lets just hope that 2015 continues to do the same! 

I actually have a couple this year, that I am going to try and stick to this year...
1. Blog more - 2+ times a month (thats the goal)
2. Exercise and eat healthier (very basic)
3. Keep laughing, and continue to not let anything hold me back.

Hopefully these will become more of a good habit, than a hard attempt at sticking to them!

I hope everyone had happy holidays, and a happy new year. 

XOXO, Madison 
