2013 Recap & 2014 Resolutions

I made this post last year, so I thought I would do it again this year! My third semester of college is complete and I am about to go into my fourth, and I cannot believe that this year has already come to an end. Going into 2013 I never thought that I would be where I am today, and honestly, who knows where 2014 will take me...
2013 Recap
2013 has brought a lot of change, change I wasn’t expecting, change I didn’t want, and change that is for the better. In 2013 I served on the second executive council for Kappa Delta Eta Psi as Secretary and ended my term serving as the Vice President of Member Education. The summer took me on a trip to Baltimore, a couple zoo trips and lots of work! Going into my fall semester...UNC Charlotte had their inaugural football season (GO NINERS!!!). I moved into the Kappa Delta House, my home away from home, where I became best friends with the most amazing roommate you could imagine having, I honestly don’t know where I would be without her! In 2013 I FINALLY got my little, and she could not be more perfect and we could not be more perfect together. She fits right in and I wouldn’t change her for anything!  2013 brought a breakup I never thought would happen, but gave me the strength to realize that some things must come to an end. It made me realize that I had been relying on somebody else for too long and needed to start relying on myself again. The pain soon turned into strength, a strength I never thought I would have, and I think him for that. In 2013 I was elected to a new executive council position as Vice President of Membership. This new position gives me the opportunity to travel to Chicago to join 1,700 other Kappa Delta sisters at our National Collegiate Training Academy in Chicago, IL. 2013 brought a change in my Mom I never thought I would see and I could not be happier. A lot happened in 2013, more than I want to write about, and I think it is safe to say that I am glad its over!

2014 Resolutions

For 2014 I have decided that the only resolution I am going to have is to let nothing hold me back. This year, I am not going to list a bunch of resolutions that I am going to convince myself today that I am going to follow them, and then tomorrow forget all about them. This year, I am going to live the life I want to live, the way I want to live it. I am going to laugh at jokes that are funny to nobody but me. This year is going be too different, this year; nothing is going to hold me back.
Happy New Year everyone!!
