Senior Gifts

I am about a month late with this post, but I was going through my phone and deleting some pictures (I am almost out of space) and realized there were a couple crafts that I meant to share and never got the chance.

My Grand Big graduated in May and I did a small craft for her, a chevron canvas with her monogram.

Blue Painters Tape
Paint (colors of your choice)
Paint brushes
Monogram Pattern to trace
The first thing you want to do is measure your chevron pattern on your canvas. I used a canvas that was 8in x 10in which was hard to measure accurately. I recommend finding a canvas that is a square, or be able to do math down to the millimeter. Make the cris-cross pattern on the canvas and then tape off every other row. I forgot to take a picture of just the penciled on pattern, so here is the canvas with the tape, you can still see the outline though!

The next thing is to paint the lines that are not taped, use whatever color you would like. Let it dry and then do at least 2 more coats, this insures that the pencil marks are hidden, and that the paint is dark. 

After this, let the paint dry completely and pull the tape off. I decided to do black on the opposite lines, she will be attending the University of South Carolina for graduate school in the fall so I thought it would be perfect! In order to do the opposite spaces first outline it with a thin paint brush, that way you don't get as much on the red. If you mess up, don't worry once the black dries you can paint over a couple coats of the other color and it will look perfect!

Once I was finished touching up all of the parts I let it dry completely again. I printed off a monogram from this website, you can select your style and from there print and cut it out. I traced it onto the canvas in the center, painted the letters white and the circle black. I then outlined the circle with a gold paint which showed up really nicely.

The last thing to do was to add a ribbon to hang (thanks James for holding it), I was trying to make sure it was even before I glued it on!

There you have it, A chevron canvas fit for ay dorm room, or apartment!
